My Baby!

I turn the latch and push open the door,
wishing to be somewhere I've been before,
to see your lovely smile,
to see you light up like you did sometime
when I'd been gone a long,
and been away for a while.
To see the love swirling in your eyes,
to hold you and touch you and kiss you and hug you,
or sometime just to be with you,
to be there with you tonight.

I look out the window into the dark moonlit night,
and send you a silent whisper,
hold on to it tight.
This storm too shall pass
and the days shall be bright.
We shall again walk alongside,
on the sands at the shore,
carving out our names
and sculpting faces once more.
Or maybe take a dip in the sea,
floating hand in hand, with you and me.

But I know we have come a long way from home,
now everything seems so barren and dry to the bone.
I know that you see the pain and hurt everywhere
but believe in me baby that there is peace somewhere.
I wish you wouldn't have to put up with this anymore,
wish you could be everything you can be and more.
I wish I could give you just my love all alone,
or even a single reason to smile, not mourn.
I wish you all the best and everything gold,
'coz you deserve it every bit, every ounce, and more.

So promise me you shall always keep that beautiful smile on,
while facing all your monsters, all your fears et al.
Promise you shall always be the best you can,
be the super-wonderful person that I know you can.
But if you ever feel the going getting too tough,
or just wanna pause and take a breather long enough,
you shall always find me there right by your side,
fighting for you, alongside you, forever, with all my might.

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